17 Mayıs 2011 Salı

school wallpaper

school wallpaper. Download this wallpaper and
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  • SPUY767
    Oct 3, 06:21 AM
    It looks so long and narrow...

    That's what she said?

    school wallpaper. uniform school wallpaper
  • uniform school wallpaper

  • SteveKnobs
    Apr 21, 01:21 PM
    I like this feature, however I definitely think there needs to be a counter for both positive and negative votes. If the counter says "0" we have no idea how many votes that post recieved as there could be an equal number of +/- votes- which wouldn't tell us much of anything, would it?

    Edit: Or am I not understanding how the counters work?

    school wallpaper. Off to School Wallpaper
  • Off to School Wallpaper

  • abooch1
    Mar 17, 12:07 PM
    I been a browser of this forum for years, but never posted many threads, Picked up My black 16g wi-fi iPad 2 on launch day at Best Buy. The store was chaos, and it turned out to be a very lucky day. I told the stoner at the register I wanted to pay some of the balance in cash and the rest with my credit card. He counted the cash I gave him which was $230.00 looked dumbfounded for a moment, printed out a receipt and handed me my bag, followed by are we cool? I said yes, walked out and could not believe he never asked for the remaining balance. Walked out with a brand new ipad for 230.00 Wow!! Now normally I'm honest about things in that nature, but I have been screwed by Best Buy so many times I looked at it as being payback. Picked up a green smart cover incase sleeve and a STM micro ipad carry on sling pack, an excellent iPad combo. Yes, there are some minor issues with a little light bleed but no device is perfect, and it's not going to last 5 years. Instead of looking for imperfections and little micro scratches in the aluminum people should have fun and enjoy the device. Hope everyone is enjoying their iPad 2, I know I am

    That really isn't anything to brag about.. If I saw that this happened I would make sure I paid in full and if I realized I only paid I would go back and make sure I paid. I don't want someone to get fired just because I got a few hundred dollars off without bringing it to his and his managers attention.. To me that is pretty much stealing..

    school wallpaper. pld school wallpaper,
  • pld school wallpaper,

  • ipodtoucher
    Apr 9, 09:05 PM
    Paid a trip to IKEA today and came out with some great stuff all for $210!




    need to go back for the bulb...

    ready to hang



    Then on sale for $10 at Target :)

    school wallpaper. pld school wallpaper,
  • pld school wallpaper,

  • JAT
    May 3, 11:50 PM
    You're getting negative votes on your post just because people here know that Apple will never do that, but I think I have to agree with you. I mean I own the iPad 1 now and love it, but I'd love it even more if I could write on it with a pen. It would be amazing for taking notes. I can't take notes by typing on the thing, I still have to bring a notebook (as in an actual notebook, made of paper lol) or my MacBook.
    Uh, there are pens that work on these. The Apple Stores use them on their Touches for signatures and whatnot. I have a family member who takes perfect notes on her iPad by typing. Maybe you need more practice. She found the MBP too noisy, but the iPad she loves for notes, faster than paper.
    Since I am the local technology guru, people are just shy of harassing given the constant barrage of questions just asking if I own one. They are amazed that I do not own an iPad or tablet since they are "popular".

    I can afford one but the lack of MKV playback is the deal killer. So that makes it $499 to browse the internet.
    I think your problem is that you apparently only have 2 uses for a piece of electronics. So no, probably not a product for you.

    school wallpaper. High School Wallpaper
  • High School Wallpaper

  • err404
    May 2, 11:47 AM
    I dont know why people on MR seem hellbent on defending Apple no matter the situation (literally)...
    Because a huge amount of the reported details on this matter are wrong.
    While the method of storing the cell location cache may show poor judgment on Apples part, I don't see any malicious intent. The system is logical implemented and on the surface, cell location data does not appear sensitive enough to justify encryption. It is only after further analysis that potentially sensitive data can be inferred.
    Regardless it's good to see it being addressed.

    school wallpaper. High School Wallpaper
  • High School Wallpaper

  • aafuss1
    Sep 12, 07:46 AM
    Aus store is up for me...
    Nearly up for me

    school wallpaper. High School Wallpaper
  • High School Wallpaper

  • wasabeeguy
    Apr 15, 11:43 PM
    look, i could make the exact thing in blender and render it in luxrender. and make it 10x more real looking cmon.

    school wallpaper. High School Wallpaper
  • High School Wallpaper

  • lukenorris
    Jan 11, 11:53 PM
    I wonder if this device turns off movie projectors?


    school wallpaper. school backgrounds
  • school backgrounds

  • jbanger
    Apr 9, 12:18 AM

    sony nex5 double lens kit

    not as impressive as some of the other recent camera purchases, but i'm happy nevertheless

    i've been eyeing this off for a couple of months now and by chance noticed a major price discount on a major electronic chain's website yesterday morning

    jumped in the car and went straight down and they had to honour the price which was well below cost :D

    best part was the dude that sold it to me rang his wife as i was leaving telling her to come in and buy one as it was cheaper than what he could get it for himself, lol, and then reported the website misprint

    school wallpaper. School wallpaper :
  • School wallpaper :

  • katanna
    Jan 5, 08:33 AM
    Hey guys,

    I want to watch the QuickTime stream "fresh," without knowing anything going in. This has worked OK in the past, but I always get a little spoiled before I watch the show (MacBook Pro, new Shuffle). Is there a link (webpage, e-mail, RSS) that I can simply get the notice once the QuickTime stream is up, and what the link is? In the past, I have watched:
    but they don't always update that page right away (I have watched that page for more than a day before while the link was up).
    I guess I could use the current numbering system and set my home page to:
    (my home page is currently apple.com).

    Any ideas? Thanks for the input.


    school wallpaper. latest K Pop wallpapers .
  • latest K Pop wallpapers .

  • macintel4me
    Oct 11, 02:48 AM
    cover flow is going to look great on the ipod cinema. with cell under the hood the downloading games fom you wii will be easy.

    school wallpaper. School and education wallpaper
  • School and education wallpaper

  • wwooden
    Sep 12, 08:50 AM
    To me, the price has to be very competitive for me to consider buying or renting one. Unless we can stream DVD quality video and audio from the internet to our tv's, these downloads are going to take a long time. I can see it taking several hours to before it finishes. I could go to the movie store and back and watch the movie before it would be done.

    Sony already showed with the PSP that having a proprietary video format (UMD) and pricing the same as a DVD (sometimes higher) with less features pretty much means death to the format. For me, buying a movie needs to be less then $10, no acceptions. Ideally, I would want to be able to burn them to a DVD, but I know that won't happen.

    I do see potential for cool things to happen. Say, for example, that you are watching a movie and really like the soundtrack, there could be some type of link in the movie menu to go to that soundtrack in the iTMS. Or a link to the screenplay or the audiobook of the original story.

    Here's hoping to a successful day for Apple.

    school wallpaper. High school Wallpaper
  • High school Wallpaper

  • leekohler
    May 5, 11:30 AM
    There is nothing wrong with a doctor talking to anyone about guns, as they can be a risk to health. That's like telling my doctor he can't tell me to use condoms if he asks if I'm gay, or that he can't tell me to do certain stretches before I play hockey, if he asks me about that. This proposed law is a load of crap. Asking people about activities they engage in are key to treating a patient.

    school wallpaper. old school wallpaper
  • old school wallpaper

  • tvguru
    Sep 25, 11:41 AM
    Rev. B Intel but Rev. A Core 2 Duo

    Confusing isn't it?

    Potato, Potahto. :D

    school wallpaper. School - Wallpaper
  • School - Wallpaper

  • rdowns
    Apr 16, 04:51 PM
    Narrow-mindedness is an affront.


    affront |əˈfrənt|
    an action or remark that causes outrage or offense

    school wallpaper. Ouran High School - Wallpaper - Ouran High School - Wallpaper
  • Ouran High School - Wallpaper - Ouran High School - Wallpaper

  • millerb7
    May 2, 11:03 AM
    I find it hilarious that Steve Jobs claimed Apple was not tracking users, but now all of a sudden we find Location tracking being completely removed from this version of iOS, that is honestly something that annoyes me..

    Well that's just wrong... they aren't completely removing location tracking in anything. Just fixing "bugs" that stored to much information in a file on your phone.


    school wallpaper. old school wallpaper
  • old school wallpaper

  • devilstrider
    Mar 18, 10:10 PM
    That happened to me just last week..

    I was answering a call beside a guy at a bus stop who had an evo.. Out of no where he was like "Hey, you better hurry up before that call drops.."

    So I just stared at him for a few seconds and said "Well atleast it wont be because my batteries dead"

    I knew I got him, because he couldnt come up with anything better and just stared at me with depression as if to say "awwww hes right -_-".. :apple:

    I have both of those phones but I like my EVO better. The big screen and flash puts it over the top for me. I still like my iPhone 4 but I get more done on my EVO.

    school wallpaper. AfterSchool wallpaper black.v1
  • AfterSchool wallpaper black.v1

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 10, 10:15 AM
    Technically the Confederacy wasn't defeated until a month later, and even then forces still fought because of how slow news traveled :p, but yea, Lee's surrender was basically the end.


    For example there were some battles in the Kansas/Missouri area at the end of the war that were some of the bloodiest. Of course this area had been part of a guerilla/proxy war before the civil war even began. The animosity between the two sides continued long after the war.

    Apr 12, 12:48 PM
    a gift from my fiance. Not quite a personal purchase. I have a little obsession with cupcakes.

    http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/2345/photokhu.jpg (http://img26.imageshack.us/i/photokhu.jpg/)

    Nicky G
    Sep 28, 01:25 PM
    Very tasteful it seems. Not a surprise.

    Oct 31, 02:52 PM
    What on Earth are you talking about? What are people stealing in the Arn's summary? The modified code isn't capable of running OS X, and until they closed the source, Darwin worked on most generic x86 platforms anyway.

    Someone fixes a lack of functionality that existed in previous public versions and you call it "stealing"? WTF?

    Because they fixed it with the intent to use it with Aqua. They will be stealing Aqua. I sincerely doubt anyone will go through the trouble just for command line only.

    Even the blogger that was mentioned has a screen shot of Aqua running. There's the theft for ya :)

    Apr 11, 01:26 AM
    yeah i know! i don't know what's going on these days. apple is only concerned with iphone and ipad, but developers gotta have systems to build the apps with!

    and not just that, apple has a market for mac pros. but it will only continue to get smaller if they ignore it

    Mate if you think thats bad, I'n holding out for a Mac mini and there has been no rumors for it! Would love to see a intel i5 :D

    Apr 22, 06:56 PM
    Whereas I agree with your post entirely, I get the feeling that you wouldn't be saying this if Apple were the only ones not to collect such data. You have bashed Google many times for the amount of data it collects, but as soon as Apple is to be seen to be doing it, it's all cool. A "non-issue.":rolleyes:

    Don't worry, I usually slag on the competition for entirely different reasons.

    And quite frankly, if I ever bashed Google for the data they collect, I shouldn't have. Because in practice, it's completely harmless.

    I *did* bash them for Google Buzz. Mostly because it was just annoying and there was no way to turn it off (not easily, at least.)

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